Child Neuropsychiatry Service

The Child Neuropsychiatry Service of the Pediatrics Tomorrow medical practice deals with the diagnostic evaluation and therapeutic settling of any pathology within the field of child neuropsychiatry.

Inparticular, the areas of intervention are: Specific Learning Disorder (DSA), Psychomotor Developmental Disorders; Generalized Developmental Disorders; Evolutionary Age Neuropsychological Disorders; Headache and Migraine; Neurological Follow-up of premature infant, epileptic and non-progressive cereopathic manifestations; mental retardation.


First DSA Diagnosis – Specific Learning Disorders
Diagnosing a Specific Learning Disorder (DSA) early is critical to providing the child with appropriate dispensation and compensatory measures. Today it is possible to discriminate between the lack of commitment and the presence of problems that, if not properly identified and treated, risk making it very difficult for the child to achieve educational goals. Learning difficulties are often interpreted as laziness and listlessness towards the school and are often associated with stories of tension and family misunderstanding.
How the DSA first diagnosis service will bestructured. The team will consist of the following professional figures: Pediatrician, Child Neuropsychiatrist, Psychologist, Psychomotricist and Logopedist.
The first contact will take place between the parents and the paediatrician contact of the team. Parents will then be sent with the child by the Child Neuropsychiatrist, who, through a thorough examination and a neurological examination, will rule out neurological problems that would constitute exclusion factors for a DSA diagnosis. Subsequent meetings will take place between the child and the team psychologists, intelligence, reading, writing and calculation tests will be administered, and if necessary other neuropsychological tests such as tests for executive functions, attention and memory tests, DAWBA (Development and Well Being Assessment) interview. The timing of the interviews is determined according to the individual case, based on the age and level of concentration and motivation of the child. Interviews last an average of 90 minutes. If necessary, the patient also meets the speech therapist for some specific tests of language evaluation. At the end of the evaluation, the specialists will integrate the data that emerged from the interviews and tests and draw up the diagnostic certification, which will be delivered to the parents in the last interview.